Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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Laptop theft-proof with open source software

(from http://www.lastampa.it, 08/26/2008)

E 'the first online system to track lost laptops. The open source software, presented last Gnomedex Conference , is called " Adeona ," is free and was developed by a group of the University of Washington.

This is a tracking system, suitable for any system operating in case of theft can find the IP address (or the wireless network) to which the device is connected without the need to give private information to third parties.

It 's the same program to generate a file with the credentials to help recovery, which should be kept and used to access the software installed on any computer and go back to the last connection of the laptop.

If your notebook has a webcam-equipped Mac, Adeona can also photograph the person using it, facilitating the eventual recognition.
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